The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Gaia House
2024-04-08 Instructions - Recognising & Navigating That Which Draws Us Out 36:31
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Deep Ground Practice

2024-04-07 Being at Home 46:12
Leela Sarti
Dharma Talk
Gaia House Deep Ground Practice

2024-04-07 Meditation Instructions - Presence, Relaxing Within Our Own Skin 44:29
Leela Sarti
Gaia House Deep Ground Practice

2024-04-06 Remembering To Recollect 1:23:01
Nathan Glyde
A commentary and practice on the Five Daily Recollections or Remembrances. Here phrased by Caroline Jones: Breathing gently, I lovingly remember… this body is ageing; this body is vulnerable to illness; this body will die; loss is part of life; to meet this moment with wisdom. This session includes a guided practice, Dharma reflection, and the answers to (unrecorded) questions from participants.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - April 2024

2024-04-01 Dana (Generosity) Talk 23:34
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House The Brahma Viharas: Our Heart's Innate Capacity for Love

2024-03-31 Reflections on Equanimity 37:13
Laura Bridgman
Gaia House The Brahma Viharas: Our Heart's Innate Capacity for Love

2024-03-31 Movement Practice, Short Reflections. 58:32
Laura Bridgman
Gaia House The Brahma Viharas: Our Heart's Innate Capacity for Love

2024-03-31 Upekkha - Reflections & Instructions 56:00
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House The Brahma Viharas: Our Heart's Innate Capacity for Love

2024-03-30 Reflections on Joy & Equanimity (Dukkha & Self Sense) 54:32
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House The Brahma Viharas: Our Heart's Innate Capacity for Love

2024-03-30 Beware: Strong Currents 1:24:18
Nathan Glyde
An exploration of the āsava teaching: our tendencies or karmic propensities of seeking happiness in sensual pleasures, in becoming, in ignorance, and in views. When we expect them, we are better served to defy them. Includes a guided meditation, refection, and responses to (unrecorded) questions. From the Gaia House Online Dharma Hall.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - March 2024

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