The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
River Wolton's Dharma Talks at Gaia House
River Wolton
River Wolton attended her first Insight Meditation retreat in 2000, and subsequently helped to establish Sheffield Insight Meditation (UK). She is a Community Dharma Leader authorised by Gaia House Teacher Council, and has completed Dharma Teacher Training with Bodhi College. A former Derbyshire Poet Laureate, she has led writing and arts projects for many years, and is an activist in the LGBTQI+ community.
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2024-12-15 Guided Meditation (LB) Review of the Weekend (LB) Remembering Lightness (RW) 66:07
with Laura Bridgman, River Wolton
Gaia House The Call to the Beloved (online)
2024-12-14 Guided Meditation (LB) Mortality & Infinity as Doorways to the Sacred (RW) Fear and Doubt (LB) 60:50
with Laura Bridgman, River Wolton
Gaia House The Call to the Beloved (online)
2024-12-14 Guided Meditation (RW) The Path with the Beloved (LB) Contemplative Exercise : Visiting the Stillness of Dusk and Including our Inner Activity of Thoughts & Emotions (LB) 1:27:58
with Laura Bridgman, River Wolton
Gaia House The Call to the Beloved (online)
2024-12-14 Guided Meditation (LB) Liberating Our Views (RW) Contemplative Exercise : Meandering with Delight (RW) 59:24
with Laura Bridgman, River Wolton
Gaia House The Call to the Beloved (online)
2024-12-13 Guided Meditation (RW) The Metaphor of the Beloved (LB) The Centrality of Kindness (RW) Container Reminders 1:19:45
with Laura Bridgman, River Wolton
Gaia House The Call to the Beloved (online)
2024-07-16 Where's This Thought Headed ? 52:09
Reflections on skilful engagement with thoughts; unguided practice session; short reflection on walking and general practice with Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom & Compassion
2024-07-15 The Extraordinatory Lightness of Being 50:17
A journey to joy in the light of impermanence.
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom & Compassion
2024-07-14 Cultivating the Ground of Friendliness 38:54
Gentle movement, mettā to friendly being & mettā to oneself.
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom & Compassion
2024-07-13 Talk - The Dharma of Birdwatching 42:44
Exploring the intersections of wisdom and compassion.
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom & Compassion
2024-04-27 Talk - Mettā in Motion - a Moveable Feast 42:35
Gaia House Mettā in Motion - Insight Meditation & Qigong

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