An exploration of equanimity, and living with purpose. This Online Dharma Hall session includes a Guided Meditation, a Dharma Talk, and responses to unrecorded questions. Bear in mind, it was offered while Nathan had a cough and a fever.
This talk explores various paradoxes, and covers the inner territory of fear and control, inflationary and deflationary self-importance, the illusion of decision-making, and responsibility vs responsiveness in how we interact with the complexities of the world.
This talk discusses different aspects of identity, exploring them through the lens of anatta, or no-essence. Martin explores biological identity, personal identity, social identity, and how we can honour these different forms and their expressions, moving freely through a world of identities without being tied to them.
Martin explores various features of our conditioning, pointing throughout the talk to the natural ease of a free heart as we move beyond self-measurement.
This talk examines and contrasts various worldly and spiritual ideas of freedom, while Martin points beyond our inherited, internalised and self-imposed contraints, to the authentic free-ness at the heart of the dharma.