The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Gaia House
2008-08-08 Talk One: Introduction to the Art of Concentration (Samatha Meditation) 45:03
Rob Burbea
As we learn to develop concentration in meditation, samatha (calm, tranquility) is also developed, and together these qualities become a powerful means for deep insight and a source of profound well-being. This progressive series of talks, guided meditations and instructions explores in some detail the art of concentration, primarily through different ways of working with the breath and the body to open to deeper and deeper levels of calmness, presence and joy.
Gaia House The Art Of Concentration (Samatha Meditation)

2008-07-26 Courage to Be 59:01
John Peacock
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-25 Openness of Being 1:15:30
John Peacock
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-24 The Pattern of Experience (Part 2) 65:46
John Peacock
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-23 The Pattern of Experience (Part 1) 1:12:27
John Peacock
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-22 It's Lonely Being a Self 63:21
John Peacock
Being a self is a very difficult and lonely process. In this talk the nature of the self is examined through reflections on the Buddhist doctrine of 'not-self' (anatta)
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-21 I Am Not Who I Think I Am 1:10:12
John Peacock
Who and what do we think we are? This talk examines the nature of thought and the process of 'self-ing'
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-20 Freedom From the Known 58:43
John Peacock
How can we free ourselves from patterns of behaviour that are all too familiar but continue to cause us pain?
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-19 Searching for the Sweet Chilli 64:48
John Peacock
Despite experience telling us otherwise, we still search for happiness in things that can never deliver it.
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-18 Opening Talk for Affection, Compassion and Joy Retreat 67:58
John Peacock
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

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