The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Gaia House
2008-05-31 Exploring Mindfulness 60:01
Gaia House An Exploration Of Mindfulness

2008-05-31 Mindfulness and the Indriyas 1:13:03
This talk also includes Mahesi Caplan
Gaia House An Exploration Of Mindfulness

2008-05-30 An Exploration of Mindfulness 44:46
This talk also includes Mahesi Caplan
Gaia House An Exploration Of Mindfulness

2008-05-25 The Four Brahma Viharas 42:55
Maura Sills
Gaia House The Challenge of Belonging

2008-05-24 Being, Self, Source Retreat 58:14
Maura Sills
Gaia House The Challenge of Belonging

2008-05-23 Introductory Talk for The Challenge of Belonging Retreat 48:41
Maura Sills
Gaia House The Challenge of Belonging

2008-04-26 Noble Friendship 60:04
Akincano Marc Weber
Being with others is central to our experience. What is the Buddha's notion of the role of relationship in practice? A closer look at good friendship and the qualities of noble companionship for practitioners.
Gaia House Being With Others Noble Friendship On The Path

2008-04-25 Opening Talk for On Being With Others - Noble Friendship on the Path 31:48
Akincano Marc Weber
Gaia House Being With Others Noble Friendship On The Path

2008-04-17 Love Itself 60:00
Martin Aylward
Gaia House A Revolution In The Heart

2008-04-16 The Illusion of Doing 54:07
Martin Aylward
We struggle with all the things we have to DO. We struggle with DOING our spiritual practice. What is the struggle? What is the Doing that we invest in and feel to be hard work? This talk explores both the doing that we find ourselves stuck in, and the natural unfolding of experience that we can recognize, allowing us the freedom of being where we can be at rest and ease, even in the midst of busy lives and much apparent doing.
Gaia House A Revolution In The Heart

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