The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
River Wolton's Dharma Talks at Gaia House
River Wolton
River Wolton attended her first Insight Meditation retreat in 2000, and subsequently helped to establish Sheffield Insight Meditation (UK). She is a Community Dharma Leader authorised by Gaia House Teacher Council, and has completed Dharma Teacher Training with Bodhi College. A former Derbyshire Poet Laureate, she has led writing and arts projects for many years, and is an activist in the LGBTQI+ community.
2023-03-30 Afternoon Guided Meditation 28:29
Opening to a field of friendliness; vagus nerve soothing practice; warmth towards another being and oneself.
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom and Compassion
2023-03-29 Evening Dharma Talk 47:20
with Julia Wallond, River Wolton
Encouraging ourselves after the first day of the retreat; an introduction to the hindrances.
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom and Compassion
2023-03-29 Morning Instructions 48:43
Grounding, Settling, and Growing Roots: gentle qi gong; sensing into the space around us; finding an easeful and wakeful posture; vagus nerve soothing practice; returning to the anchor.
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom and Compassion
2022-07-30 Meditation Instructions 42:56
The five hindrances or veils: a creative exploration. 20 minutes of instructions and approx 20 minute mostly silent practice.
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma: a retreat for the LGBTQI+ community
2022-07-29 Dharma Talk 36:00
Lineages, connection and community: taking refuge in something that includes us and is greater than us.
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma: a retreat for the LGBTQI+ community
2022-04-17 Reflections & Guided Meditation 39:09
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Yoga
2022-04-16 Dharma Talks - Joy as Sustenance for Compassion 36:47
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Yoga
2022-04-16 Reflections and Guided Meditation 41:48
The ground of metta.
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Yoga
2022-04-15 Instructions & Guided Meditation 41:03
The five hindrances as coverings.
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Yoga
2022-04-14 Dharma Talk - Kindfulness of Body 41:42
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Yoga

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