The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Gaia House
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2024-06-29 How Feeling Tone Can Lead to Conflicts, Quarrels & Disputes 43:43
Tony O'Connor
Gaia House Turning Away From Conflict & Cultivating Harmony (online retreat)

2024-06-29 Instructions - Feeling Tone 25:45
Tony O'Connor
Gaia House Turning Away From Conflict & Cultivating Harmony (online retreat)

2024-06-25 Morning Instructions: Mettā - Abiding, Suffusing; Autonomy of the Loving Figure 52:49
Catherine McGee
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart

2024-06-24 Week 3 : The Vastness of Awareness 1:30:03
Juha Penttilä
Teachings, Guided Practice
Gaia House The Vastness of Awareness (online series)

2024-06-24 Evening Guided Practice: Two Kinds of Goneness; 'Gate, Gate' - Guided Practice with Chanting for the One; Approaching Two Kinds of Goneness. 45:06
Catherine McGee
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart

2024-06-24 Dharma Reflections (title pending) 57:46
Yahel Avigur
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart

2024-06-24 Morning Instructions - Emotional Sensitivity in Mettā Practice 59:32
Catherine McGee
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart

2024-06-23 Dharma Reflections (title pending) 54:49
Yahel Avigur
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart

2024-06-23 Morning Instructions (title pending) 52:36
Yahel Avigur
This recording also includes Catherine McGee.
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart

2024-06-22 Evening - Guided Practice (title pending) 37:55
Yahel Avigur
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart

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