The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Gaia House
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2024-02-11 Before the Bend in the Road 27:07
Bernat Font
Guided Meditation
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma- A Retreat for the LGBTQI+ Community

2024-02-11 Being with Things as They Are 37:34
Katrin Auf der Heyde
Meditation Instructions
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma- A Retreat for the LGBTQI+ Community

2024-02-10 What Skilful Means 1:19:51
Nathan Glyde
Exploring what (being) skilful means, and what (are) skilful means. The Dharma is not simple, and it is not overly complex. We need to find a middle way that is sufficiently dynamic and appropriate. This is from an Online Dharma Hall session with a meditation, a reflection, and responses to questions. The questions are not recorded for privacy reasons, the responses are shaped to allow for comprehension despite this.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - February 2024

2024-02-10 Minding the Gap 40:23
Katrin Auf der Heyde
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma- A Retreat for the LGBTQI+ Community

2024-02-10 What is Well ? 0:00
River Wolton
(Recording not available) 
Soothing the nervous system and becoming aware of what is well and pleasant.
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma- A Retreat for the LGBTQI+ Community

2024-02-10 Going to the Forest 45:52
Bernat Font
Meditation Instructions
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma- A Retreat for the LGBTQI+ Community

2024-02-06 Week 1, Part 1. 47:02
Leigh Brasington
Introduction to Contemplation, and Loving Kindness Contemplation.
Gaia House The Buddhist Art of Contemplation (online series)

2024-02-04 Heavan and Earth are Set Apart 39:52
Tony O'Connor
Dharma Talk
Gaia House Calm & Clarity - A Seon Meditation Retreat

2024-02-04 Working with Difficult Emotions and Mindstates 23:21
Katrin Auf der Heyde
Gaia House Calm & Clarity - A Seon Meditation Retreat

2024-02-03 Questioning: What's With the Question Mark ? 42:18
Katrin Auf der Heyde
Dharma Talk
Gaia House Calm & Clarity - A Seon Meditation Retreat

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