The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Passions of Buddha, Pt.3 : Letting Go Into Dispassion
2024-12-28 Passions of Buddha, Pt.3 : Letting Go Into Dispassion 1:33:43
Nathan Glyde
An Online Dharma Hall session includes a Guided Meditation, a Dharma Talk, and responses to unrecorded questions. A three-part series examining the role of passion, compassion, and dispassion on the Buddha's path to peace. This week, the disentangling release that comes from renunciation of paths that promise a happiness but don't deliver. What we can learn from compassionate engagement or the refined happiness of an unhindered heart-mind. And how they open the heart and mind to support us to let go of narrow (fiery, lustful) passions for a grander freedom (of meaningful purpose).
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - December 2024

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