Through meditation practice we can learn to release the pressure and demands we place on our experience to be different, and receive life just as it is. Unconditionally engaging with each moment we can awaken to innate peace and freedom.
Is this it? Or has transcendence gone out of fashion? An exploration of the Buddha's radical teachings on transcendence and their implications for our practices and for our lives.
The Buddha's main instruction to us is how to 'turn our mind' toward that which is good and wholesome and brings the deepest happiness and peace. How do we do that?
When awareness mingles with sensations in the body, it is like returning home after a long journey. So why is it so hard to rest in the immediacy of our experience called 'body'?
To live freshly we will need to go beyond all that is known and familiar to us, which we avoid at all costs. Why do we hold on so tightly when what we are longing for is in the relaxation and letting go?