The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Gaia House
2014-03-14 Opening Talk 56:55
Norman Feldman
This talk also includes Brad Richecoeur.
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Qi Gong

2014-03-11 The Radiant Heart 63:29
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House The Wise and Loving Heart

2014-03-10 It Takes Two Wings to Fly 57:51
Kirsten Kratz
Wisdom and compassion are often described as two wings needed to be able to fly. This talk explores some ways in which they mutually support each other, how compassion supports deeper and deeper wisdom, and how wisdom will bring forth compassionate action.
Gaia House The Wise and Loving Heart

2014-03-09 Embracing Our Aliveness 58:46
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House The Wise and Loving Heart

2014-03-08 Hello, It's You Again...Meeting the Five Hindrances 58:39
Kirsten Kratz
This talk explores how we can approach the five hindrances as just another aspect of our human experience we can pay attention to, and as something we can learn and gain deeper understanding from.
Gaia House The Wise and Loving Heart

2014-03-07 Opening Talk 63:24
Yanai Postelnik
This talk also includes Kirsten Kratz
Gaia House The Wise and Loving Heart

2014-03-04 On Non-Difference and Bringing Our Practice into the World 37:44
Martin Aylward
Here, Martin looks at the dichotomy we easily make between the retreat situation and the rest of life, and explores the skilful integration of our practice, as well as looking at some of the forces that tend to shape our into our personal, relational and cultural lives.
Gaia House The Dynamics of Freedom

2014-03-03 On Non-Duality, the World and the Void 39:33
Martin Aylward
Using the zen image of first there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is, Martin charts the evolution of relating to form and emptiness, exploring the fundamental duality of conventional experience, and the natural pull towards its dismantling, transcendance and integration.
Gaia House The Dynamics of Freedom

2014-03-02 On Fluidity, Uncertainty and Inconceivability 44:06
Martin Aylward
This talk explores bringing the fundamental truth of lifes fluidity, and the familiarity of teachings on impermanence, right into the heart of every-moment practice.
Gaia House The Dynamics of Freedom

2014-03-01 On Immediacy and Here and Now-ness 39:09
Martin Aylward
Rather than the meditator trying to become present, this talk emphasises the way life is always immediate and available, always and only present. And how attuning to that invites us into presence, not as a property of mind, not as a state we create, but as the formless ground into which mind can rest, allowing presence to reveal what arises.
Gaia House The Dynamics of Freedom

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