The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nathan Glyde's Dharma Talks at Gaia House
Nathan Glyde
Nathan Glyde has been practicing and studying meditation since 1997, and sharing teachings on retreats since 2007. In 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva whose retreats emphasise wisdom and compassion in ecological and humanitarian service.
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2022-01-15 Dharma Talk - Expanding Joy and Opening to Peace 49:12
Gaia House Expanding Joy on the Path of Peace
2022-01-15 Guided Meditation - Metta to Sensations 44:54
Gaia House Expanding Joy on the Path of Peace
2022-01-15 Questions and Responses 11:35
Gaia House Expanding Joy on the Path of Peace
2022-01-15 Instructions and Guided Meditation - Slowly Gathering in Kindness 56:29
Gaia House Expanding Joy on the Path of Peace
2022-01-08 Conditioned Towards Freedom 1:27:57
Exploring how a wide expanse of Buddha Dharma is implied in Dhammapada verse 1: Phenomena are preceded by the heart, ruled by the heart, made of the heart. If you speak or act with a corrupted heart, then suffering follows you— as the wheel of the cart, the track of the ox that pulls it. Phenomena are preceded by the heart, ruled by the heart, made of the heart. If you speak or act with a calm, bright heart, then happiness follows you, like a shadow that never leaves
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Jan 2022
2022-01-01 Ways of Practice 1:26:12
Guided meditation and talk about four ways to see our meditation practice: gathering in well-being; radiating beautiful qualities; investigating experience; playing with lenses of perception. Because all things, including meditation, are dependently arising fabrications: there are many ways to meet them, and many (probably endless) ways of practising.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Jan 2022
2021-12-11 Activity Beyond Self-View 1:30:24
Exploring the freeing expression of wise and compassionately considered ethics and ethos to create a culture of awakening. Guided meditation and Dharma Reflection with Q&A
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Dec 2021
2021-10-30 Perceiving is Believing 1:29:04
Exploring the aggregates of perception in the Online Dharma Hall of Gaia House. A meditation and Dharma reflection, with questions and responses.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Oct 2021
2021-10-10 The View of the View Shapes the View 1:25:06
Exploring ditthupādāna: attachment to views. How to hold, let go, evolve, and expand our views, opinions, and understandings of these teachings. Includes a 30-min meditation, Dharma Reflection, and responses to questions (for privacy’s sake the questions are not recorded)
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Oct 2021
2021-09-25 Non-reactive with Distractions 68:52
To be distracted, etymologically, is to be "drawn apart". The opposite of distraction therefore may be more skilfully called gathered rather than undistracted. Does our way of relating to the activity of the distractible heart-mind create dukkha (stress and reactivity) or release into a gathered and harmonised freedom?
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Sept 2021

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