The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nathan Glyde's Dharma Talks at Gaia House
Nathan Glyde
Nathan Glyde has been practicing and studying meditation since 1997, and sharing teachings on retreats since 2007. In 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva whose retreats emphasise wisdom and compassion in ecological and humanitarian service.
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2022-02-11 Dharma Talk - How an Empty Self Transforms the World 53:03
Gaia House Easing into the Middle Way
2022-02-10 Guided Meditation 45:44
Metta with a dash of Anicca.
Gaia House Easing into the Middle Way
2022-02-10 Questions and Responses 29:45
with Nathan Glyde, Zohar Lavie
This recording also includes Zohar Lavie.
Gaia House Easing into the Middle Way
2022-02-10 Meditation Instructions 59:47
Gaia House Easing into the Middle Way
2022-02-09 Dharma Talk - Inconstancy 51:33
Gaia House Easing into the Middle Way
2022-02-08 Dharma Talk - The Middle Way of Balancing & Gathering 20:51
Gaia House Easing into the Middle Way
2022-02-05 A Wise and Kind Way of Seeing All Things as Unsatisfactory 1:26:10
All changing and unreliable phenomena are neither satisfactory nor dissatisfactory. They neither contain the ingredients for contentment nor for distress. It is in the way of relating to them that the tangle of dukkha (distress) arises, or the openness of freedom, well-being, and happiness come to be. How much freedom might come from reminding ourselves that all things are both non-dissatisfactory and unsatisfactory? Guided meditation and Dharma Reflection, followed by a Q&A.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Feb 2022
2022-02-03 Dharma Talk - Transitioning and Sustaining Welll-being 35:30
Gaia House Lingering in Happiness
2022-02-02 Questions and Responses 34:04
with Nathan Glyde, Zohar Lavie
This recording also includes Zohar Lavie.
Gaia House Lingering in Happiness
2022-02-02 Guided Meditation 45:13
Lingering in happiness.
Gaia House Lingering in Happiness

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