The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Martin Aylward's Dharma Talks at Gaia House
Martin Aylward
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2023-09-22 On Free-ness 49:13
Reflecting on the retreat title - ‘A joyful liberation’ - Martin looks at nuances of joy, and at that which is liberating, pointing beyond our formal meditation practices, into the wider realms of an integrative dharma practice with its personal, social and ecological dimensions.
Gaia House A Joyful Liberation
2023-09-20 On Dissolution 51:52
Martin explores the essence refrain of the heart sutra, looking at emptiness in terms of gone-ness, spaciousness, and dissolution. He looks at what dissolves and what remains as our core structures dissolve, particularly in the areas of desire, belief, conformity and identity, or What I want, What I believe, How I behave and Who I take my myself to be.
Gaia House A Joyful Liberation
2023-09-19 On Awake-ness 43:24
This talk begins with how Consciousness is fundamentally awake by nature. It explores ways this awake-ness gets obscured, ignored and suppressed, and goes on to looks at particular aspects of this awake nature and its functioning, such as consciousness, awareness, presence, and attention, then looks at the fruits of an awakened life.
Gaia House A Joyful Liberation
2019-10-08 Dharma Talk - On Meaningfulness 48:33
Martin explores the inherent human longing for meaning and purpose, in its historical and religious contexts, and in the flawed ways we habitually seek wholeness or meaning. He describes the internalising of a deep meaningfulness that transcends ordinary understanding, entering into a harmony and resonance with life just as it is, constantly expressing its infinite yet goalless meaningfulness.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and in Movement
2019-10-08 Meditation Instructions (Day 4) 17:46
Three Forms of Skilful Attention.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and in Movement
2019-10-07 Dharma Talk - Depths of Connection 59:24
Various components of connection - kindness, empathy, joy -are explored in this talk, spanning both meditative and engaged forms of connecting with ourselves, others and life itself.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and in Movement
2019-10-07 Meditation Instructions (Day 3) 14:51
Awareness as an Open Field.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and in Movement
2019-10-06 Dharma Talk - The Hallmarks of Insight 45:59
Martin looks at the quality of investigation. He shows how to inquire directly into experience, and explores the features of liberating understanding and insight into different realms of experience.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and in Movement
2019-10-06 Meditation Instructions (Day 2) 21:00
Dwelling as Embodied Awareness.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and in Movement
2019-10-05 Dharma Talk - Gender Blending Buddha Bodies 52:36
This talk explores different depths and dimensions of embodied presence as on learns to inhabit experience more fully, freely and expansively.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and in Movement

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