The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Leela Sarti's Dharma Talks at Gaia House
Leela Sarti
Leela Sarti has been a student of the Buddha's teachings and practices since she was 16 years old. She lives with her family in Sweden and in addition to teaching Insight Meditation retreats internationally works individually with students in her psychotherapy practice in Stockholm. She is a long term student of the Diamond Approach and part of a teacher training program in that tradition.
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2011-10-22 Opening Talk for Embodying the Awakened Heart Retreat 67:27
This talk also includes Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Embodying the Awakened Heart
2010-10-28 Inner Radiance 54:42
A talk about our innate goodness and the natural radiance of the mind; loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. The talk reflects on relationships and living with integrity.
Gaia House Awakening the Heart
2010-10-27 Loving Kindness Guided Meditation 35:49
Gaia House Awakening the Heart
2010-10-26 Desire and the Sacred Impulse 46:04
There is more to desire than suffering. Can we make a gradual change in how we relate to desire, without rejecting our vitality but with a capacity to tolerate the inevitable failure of all grasping?
Gaia House Awakening the Heart
2010-10-24 The Turn 51:33
A talk on the liberating power of mindfulness and how to turn towards the teeming flow of experience in body, heart and mind and the capacity to be awakened by all things.
Gaia House Awakening the Heart
2010-03-06 Emptiness 49:43
Gaia House Being Who you Are
2010-03-04 Opening Talk for Being Who You Are Retreat 37:11
Gaia House Being Who you Are
2010-03-04 To Fall Awake 47:13
Gaia House Being Who you Are
2009-10-23 Emptiness 42:31
Gaia House Embodied Openness, Awakened Presence
2009-10-21 Joy 50:40
Gaia House Embodied Openness, Awakened Presence

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