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Retreat Dharma Talks at Gaia House

The Indriya: Allies for Liberation

An 11 day in person retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Laura Bridgman

2022-05-20 (11 days) Gaia House

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2022-05-20 Guided Meditation 19:19
Ajahn Sucitto
Gathering ourselves into a field of collective awareness, we tune into a sense of shared belonging and support with other human beings.
2022-05-20 The skilful use of precepts 11:10
Ajahn Sucitto
Refuges and precepts provide a field of conscience and concern that wards off carelessness, imbalance, distractedness and negativity – and helps in moving towards a true norm that won’t let us down.
2022-05-21 Standing Meditation 41:40
Ajahn Sucitto
Becoming aware of the spinal axis and the space around it. This can be used in any position.
2022-05-21 Reflections 46:49
Ajahn Sucitto
Words like “central axis” and “periphery” help create a template for awareness of all the senses in a field rather than seizing on points or a particular sensory experience. This is citta / mind/ heart, an awareness of a psychosomatic field.
2022-05-21 Body Work 27:56
Laura Bridgman
A combination of massage and tapping techniques to relax the body.
2022-05-21 Q&A 35:19
Ajahn Sucitto, Laura Bridgman
(Questions are précised and read later into the file to protect participants’ anonymity) 00:12 Q1 One-pointedness; 08:22 Q2 Can you comment on the widely taught practice of one pointed concentration; 16:31 Q3 I struggle with narratives filled with self-limiting beliefs I create in meditation and daily life. Can you help with this please?; 30:31 Q4 When do we choose open curiosity versus directed compassion or loving kindness? What is the relationship between them and their utility?
2022-05-21 Reflections on Energy / Viriya 17:51
Laura Bridgman
Understanding and engaging with energies we bring into a retreat can help us to be aware of and shed reactions to them. This transition is an important learning opportunity.
2022-05-22 Discovering the Energy of Presence 44:45
Ajahn Sucitto
The retreat theme acknowledges we need allies in cultivating awareness, something outside our normal self structure but available, in spite of the personality. Aspiration/ faith are the first of these.
2022-05-22 Walking Suggestions 6:17
Ajahn Sucitto
Our energy is normally inclined to the front of our bodies. Is there a wider approach?
2022-05-22 Walking Suggestions 6:18
Ajahn Sucitto
Our energy is normally inclined to the front of our bodies. Is there a wider approach?
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