The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nathan Glyde's Dharma Talks at Gaia House
Nathan Glyde
Nathan Glyde has been practicing and studying meditation since 1997, and sharing teachings on retreats since 2007. In 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva whose retreats emphasise wisdom and compassion in ecological and humanitarian service.
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2023-06-17 Who Is Here? 1:23:11
When we meditate, we might only meet the member of the "committee of the mind" that wants to meditate. There are likely more members to meet in skilful ways. And more skilful members of the committee to encourage. Starting with "Gom" (getting familiar) we can discover the common patterns of stress and distress we live with, and learn patterns of possibilities to enact and expand our deepest intentions.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - June 2023
2023-06-07 Closing Talk 49:34
with Nathan Glyde, Tony O'Connor
Gaia House Living With Illness and Loss
2023-06-06 Meditation Instructions 50:10
Opening to wellbeing.
Gaia House Living With Illness and Loss
2023-06-05 Dharma Talk 49:00
Including Appreciating
Gaia House Living With Illness and Loss
2023-06-04 Guided Meditation 36:45
Mettā to sensations.
Gaia House Living With Illness and Loss
2023-05-06 Unstuck in the Middle 1:23:23
Finding a middle way between dukkha extremes. Includes a mention of as a way of exploring this theme in the whole of our life. Includes a guided meditation, talk, and discussion (in which only responses are recorded)
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - May 2023
2023-04-29 What You Imagine You Can Do 1:23:55
Using our imagination is useful for extending the range of what feels and thereby is possible for us. Yet, we might feel (or imagine) like the teachings and practices we do are to be with reality more directly than via imagination. But, is it that even possible?
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Apr 2023
2023-04-16 Beyond Belief: Questioning Vedanā 1:43:18
A guided meditation, Dharma reflection, and the answers (only) to some questions on the theme. Vedanā is not an easy word to translate, (maybe Niceness Opinion gets close). Yet, it is a very subtle and significant teaching, about a very subtle and significant event-maker, that when followed through with, a subtle and significant freedom becomes available for us. In this practice session, we will uncover the subliminal happening of vedanā, drop our rigid belief in what it commands, and create unbelievable well-being through a more skilful way of relating to it, and to all life.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Apr 2023
2023-04-02 Opening the Realm of Opportunities 1:21:02
Seeing how we can change our internal experience through the ways we attend and relate to them. Is this available in the whole of our life? A session in Gaia House's Online Dharma Hall: meditation, reflection, with answers to questions (questions not recorded, but referred to).
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Apr 2023
2023-03-25 Suffusing Quality through Sufficient Quantity 1:21:10
Keeping the practice of cultivation alive in and between meditations. Guided meditation, talk, and the responses to questions
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Mar 2023

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