The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Alan Lewis's Dharma Talks at Gaia House
Alan Lewis
Alan Lewis has been engaging in spiritual inquiry and meditation practice since the 1970s. He spent 17 years as a Theravadin Buddhist monk and disrobed in December 2000. He now runs an IT business in Devon with his wife Vanessa, with whom he built the Gaia House website and Zen He teaches meditation and spiritual enquiry through his website
2022-03-20 Afternoon Pt 2 - Guided Metta Meditation 37:37
Labelling experiences as significant and insignificant. Paying attention to what seems insignificant, finding nourishment in unlikely places.
Gaia House Settling with What Is
2022-03-20 Morning Pt 1 - Reflections 38:30
Gaia House Settling with What Is
2022-03-20 Guided Early Morning Meditation 43:59
Gaia House Settling with What Is
2022-03-19 Afternoon Pt 1 – Noticing the Space Within Which Things Arise 29:08
Teachings on how we relate to spaciousness and capacity.
Gaia House Settling with What Is
2022-03-19 Morning Pt 2 – Being Worthy of Love 32:16
Teachings - meeting our experience with honesty and inquiry, letting our experience be painful. This recording also includes a short teaching on 'walking with awareness' (walking meditation) led by Laura Bridgman.
Gaia House Settling with What Is
2022-03-19 Early Morning - Guided Meditation 42:41
Using breath as an anchoring point.
Gaia House Settling with What Is
2022-03-18 Evening - Posture, Energy, Sleepiness, Silent Sit. 32:25
Gaia House Settling with What Is
2022-03-18 Afternoon Pt 2 - Guided Meditation and Teachings 25:04
Noticing the flow and change of experience.
Gaia House Settling with What Is
2022-03-18 Morning Pt 2 - Working with the Churning Mind 43:22
This recording also includes Laura Bridgman
Gaia House Settling with What Is
2022-03-18 Early Morning Guided Meditation 41:36
Settling with Bodily Experience
Gaia House Settling with What Is

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