The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Gaia House

Vedana - A Path of Easeful Liberation (online series)

Vedana is the second Satipaṭṭhāna or foundation of mindfulness. Vedana refers to the feeling tone of any perception, which can be sensed as one of three kinds: pleasant, unpleasant or neither-pleasant-nor-unpleasant.

The meditative exploration into vedana, as simple as it may appear, begins a profound unfolding journey of insight into the basic reactivity of the mind and the fabrication of perception and experience. This practice can organically lead to a deep experiential understanding of dependent origination, the emptiness of vedana, clinging, and all phenomena.

2024-10-30 (50 days) Gaia House

2024-11-20 Week 4, Pt 3 - Guided Meditation on Pleasant Vedana 29:56
Juha Penttilä
2024-11-27 Week 5, Pt 1 - Mudita Meditation 30:57
Yahel Avigur
2024-11-27 Week 5, Pt 2 - Neutral Vedana 36:36
Yahel Avigur
2024-11-27 Week 5, Pt 3 - Guided Meditation on Neutral Vedana 18:07
Yahel Avigur
2024-12-04 Week 6, Pt 1 - Mudita Meditation 25:14
Juha Penttilä, Yahel Avigur
2024-12-04 Week 6, Pt2 - Skilful Ways of Relating to Vedana - Three Ways of Looking 25:33
Juha Penttilä
2024-12-04 Week6, Pt 3 - Guided Meditation - Skilful Ways of Looking at Vedana 33:23
Yahel Avigur
2024-12-11 Week 7, Pt 1 - Upekkha Meditation 22:17
Juha Penttilä
2024-12-11 Week 7, Pt 2 - Fabricated Nature of Vedana 43:05
Yahel Avigur
2024-12-11 Week 7, Pt 3 - Guided Meditation - Vedana as Fabricated 22:29
Juha Penttilä
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