The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Gaia House

Exploring Mettā and the Practice of Allowing

Mettā, or loving kindness, is often recognized as an important quality to develop in the beginning stages of the path - it can support our capacity to meet our experience with kindness. But what is the role of mettā practice in developing wisdom, insight and samadhi?

Mettā practice can support both the deepening of samadhi, as well as insights into emptiness. We can begin to see directly how our mindstates colour the perceptions of ourselves and the world, and also how these practices of letting go lead to more meditative depth and bring equanimity alongside the sense of kindness and love.

This online weekend retreat weaves together the practices of mettā and meditative allowing and accepting, and explores how they can mutually support each other.

2023-10-20 (3 days) Gaia House

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2023-10-22 Morning Session (Part 1) - Arriving and Settling Meditation; Teachings on Conditionality, Fabrication and Mettā 42:38
Juha Penttilä
2023-10-22 Morning Session (Part 2) - Guided Meditation; Retreatants Feedback (anonymous, via online chat) 45:58
Juha Penttilä
2023-10-22 Afternoon Session (Part 1) - Guided Meditation; A Talk on Mettā and Samadhi 48:27
Sari Markkanen
2023-10-22 Evening Session (Part 1) - Guided Meditation - Allowing and Mettā 28:24
Juha Penttilä
2023-10-22 Evening Session (Part 2) - Reflections on Mettā, Fabrication and Insight 46:14
Juha Penttilä
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