Retreat Dharma Talks
at Gaia House
Relaxed, Open, Awake
| Dharma teachings invite us towards a wiser, calmer, and kinder alternative. We can compose and steady the mind through practice: gaining greater clarity and embodying greater care towards what is happening. We can encourage the heart to open from contraction: expanding the possibilities of a deeper more skilful response. |
2021-01-31 (6 days)
Gaia House
A Boundless Path of Insight
Nathan Glyde
Saṅkhāra points out that in every moment of life there is a phenomena in attention and atmosphere of attention that is shaping it. This happens on a retreat and in the whole of our life. Is our meditation practice of deep listening and skilful cultivation only useful on the ‘cushion’ or is it a tool for awakening in very moment of life?