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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Gaia House

Awakening in Stillness and Movement

2017-09-12 (5 days) Gaia House

2017-09-12 Giving it Back to Nature - Opening Talk 28:12
Martin Aylward
Martin speaks about Ajahn Buddhadasa and his description of practice as giving back to nature what we have wrongly appropriated from her.
2017-09-13 Morning Teachings - Meditation is Right Here 53:19
Martin Aylward
Martin explores the ground of meditation practice as the right-here-ness of experience and awareness. He points to an embodied practice, opening ourselves up to an availability to whatever presents itself.
2017-09-13 An Embodied Look at Consciousness 39:25
Martin Aylward
Martin explores the two pali terms for consciousness - Vinnyana and Chitta. He looks at their functioning in experience, and how we can inhabit our conscious experience to as to meet, explore and understand it better.
2017-09-14 Morning Teachings - Meditating with Physical Discomfort 1:11:12
Martin Aylward
Some advice on working with physical and postural discomfort, as well as with meditative discomfort, the heat and tensions that show up when we meditate, as we process the unwinding of various somatized patterns and emotional residue.
2017-09-14 Healing Layers of Dukkha 47:12
Martin Aylward
Martin explores the layers of Basic Dukkha, Reactive Dukkha and Judgemental Dukkha; exploring how they show up in different areas of our experience and pointing to different ways of meeting, exploring and healing our relationship with painful experience.
2017-09-15 Meditating in the Chitta Field 1:17:51
Martin Aylward
These morning meditation instructions explore the expanding of attention, to including the various elements of emotional experience and mental states that colour consciousness.
2017-09-15 On Happiness, Joy, Fulfillment and Freeness 45:30
Martin Aylward
Martin explores resources for wellbeing, noting the importance of being nourished and uplifted by our practice, in order for it to be sustainable. He looks at the nature of happiness and our relationship to pleasure; the practice of opening up to joy, and points to ways in which dharma practice is fulfilling and freeing.
2017-09-16 Morning Teachings - Meditation and the Nature of Experience 67:13
Martin Aylward
Meditation instruction for attending to the fluidity of experience, for tracking the naturally unfolding nature of phenomena in body, heart, mind and world.
2017-09-16 Question and Answer Session 54:13
Martin Aylward
Martin answers questions from students on the closing night of the retreat. Subjects covered include Martins own relationship to dharma practice, questions about integration, exploring Buddhist teachings and working with various obstacles.
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