The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Gaia House

Insight Meditation and Yoga Retreat

2012-04-27 (5 days) Gaia House

2012-04-28 Goodness, Prescence and Wisdom: The Foundations of Happiness 55:36
Yanai Postelnik
Inner transformation arises from a wholehearted engagement with these three primary areas of development. In living our capacity for generosity and non harming, while being mindful of and receptive to our experience in the present moment, we naturally discover the understanding that liberates dissatisfaction and reveals our inherent potential for happiness.
2012-04-30 Opening Our Hearts 59:25
Yanai Postelnik
We can at times feel our hearts closed or hardened into a sense of distance, or disconnection from life. As we feel deeply into our experience, we can learn to meet our pain, fear, anger and reactivity, with acceptance, kindness, and courage. In this journey, our heart naturally begins to soften, revealing its natural sensitivity and the profoundly connected openness of our life.
2012-04-30 Opening Talk 64:14
Yanai Postelnik
Opening talk for the meditation and yoga retreat
2012-05-01 The Texture of Being 37:59
Helen Stephenson
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